Sunday, October 9, 2011

Amanda Knox

Professor Coyne gave me a new perspective on the Amanda Knox trial. I always hope the information given through the media and news outlets are correct and unbiased. Unfortunalely, as Professor Coyne has pointed out, we get information that is going to be geared toward our American perspective and interests. The media may leave out key points or give their opinion on why she was originally suspected of the crime. Since the majority of news has been translated into English, we have to rely on the integrity of the individuals supplying us with events that led to the  horrible death of Meredith Kercher.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree. Up til now I alsp sided with the American perspective of her situation. It didn't face me to think that maybe the information I was being fed was biased, which ultimately may have changed my opinion of the trial. Lesson learned- analyze all sides of every situation
